
The Dallas chapter of the International Women's Forum (IWF) was founded in 1990, marking a significant moment in the city's history of women's empowerment and leadership. 

The Dallas chapter of IWF emerged during a time when women's roles in business, politics, and other spheres of influence were gaining increasing recognition. Founded by a group of 34 visionary women leaders, the Dallas chapter aimed to provide a platform for women to connect, share experiences, and support each other in their professional endeavors.

We commemorate the founding members of the Dallas chapter every fall at our Founder's Day Celebration, honoring their legacy and contributions to the city of Dallas and the lives of women in business everywhere. 

See the IWF Dallas Timeline Here


Founding Members

Colleen Barrett

Wanda Brice

Nancy Brinker

Ka Cotter

Lee Cullum

Ruth Miller Fitzgibbons

Marion Flores

Valerie Freeman

Linda Hart

Sydney Smith Hicks

Lyda Hunt Hill

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson

Mary Jordan

Ellen Kampinsky

Ellen Masterson

Ruth Morgan

Louise Raggio

Cece Smith

Nancy Harvey Steorts

Annette Strauss

Mary Suther

Ellen Terry

Martha Russell Tiller

Alinda Hill Wikert

Trisha Wilson

Not Picutred: Donna Alexander, Mary Constance Beck, Nancy Huggins, Heather Marcus, Laurey Peat, Delia Reyes, Jean Slater, Julia Sweeney